Monday, November 07, 2005


The responsibility for sustainable development lies in the people of any country. Long has the mind sets of people relied on institutions to take care of the simplest duties. Any improvement in the people's quality of life has to begin and be maintained “at home”.

The idea of dependence has lead to deteriorating surroundings and structures. One example to pick on is the recently constructed drainage along Great East Road running from Mulungushi Conference Center to the Arcades Round about. Currently the drainage system is filled up with silt, plastic bags and paper packs.

One passerby spoken to refuted the claim that people are to blame for the situation. Kelvin Mulenga of Kalundu says it’s the Governments responsibility together with the Environmental Council of Zambia.

However Mulenga was uncertain as he went on further to explain the situation. He started debating on the issue of who generates the garbage, whom he identified to be the people, but still insisted that it was the responsibility of Government.

“ Its Governments fault to a certain extent, but okay its us the people who throw dirt in the drain, but I think it’s the governments job to make sure its cleared up,’ said Mulenga.

Mulenga’s conflict of thought can be seen on the faces through the lack of concern and interest of the other passerby’s to the steady filling up drainage.

The mission statement of the Lusaka City Council, LCC is to provide high quality services and enabling environment, with stakeholder participation, in order to improve the quality of life for all those who live, work, visit or conduct business in Lusaka.

But it is very apparent that our council is currently doing the best it can bearing in mind the financial situation it faces, not forgetting the political interference and corruption from very limited revenue collection points.

The council established the waste Management Unit to look into the issue of garbage through the funding of Danida in 2001. The WMU thereafter put out tenders for carrying out this work due to lack of equipment. Lusaka was divided into 12 zones, and the particular area in question is under Clean Fast Limited.

The Council’s Engineering Department is further obligated to hire contractors to maintain the road networks of Lusaka, of which includes drainages as well. This department has hired Take Pride Limited to maintain, the same area.

The question of governance steps in, the replication of duties leads to confusion and unaccomplished objectives. Liaison between the two departments should be strengthened. Monitoring of contractors should be consistent.

The WMU or the Engineering Department of the council cannot however be held completely responsible for the situation. Other stakeholders are the people and shop owners.
Industries and shops can or will be penalized in the future for contributing to environmental pollution. Each productive industry or shop should ensure it had adequate bins for it customers or adequate dumping facility for their products.

Habitual tendencies of throwing plastic bags and any kind of indecomposable litter should be the issue to be addressed by the council to the people of Lusaka.

The council should carry out massive in expensive advocacy programs that will remind the people of their responsibility for a cleaner environment. With the Rain season on the way, every person should be concerned of the result of congested drainages.

The council would have to make sure the campaigns are cross cutting, in that they have to appeal to different members or classes of society, from the ordinary citizen to the top business people.

The Council through the WMU facilitates Awareness workshops in compounds around Lusaka. Areas where such workshops have been held are, Garden, George, Lilanda, Chaisa and Mandevu compounds.
A source for the Unit spoken to said, compounds have been further given green containers and community groups have been formed after workshops to sensitize other residents on how to manage waste disposal.

The audience the council has focused on is not such huge consumers, and rarely goes to shopping malls, like Arcades, so the Council should be broader based in their sensitization campaigns.

Participation by both men and women is a key cornerstone of good governance. Therefore the council would have to ensure that their advocacy programmes attract both sexes in order to ensure sustainable development.

Good governance by the people should be the motto of every citizen; poor governance generates a social environment detrimental to development. People need to overcome poverty and share in their country's development.

The WMU is in progress installing concrete bins around the city, to avoid vandalism and theft, the process has already been started along Cairo Road. However, this initiative won’t work if there is no sensitization of the people.

In conclusion, people need to be considerate of their environment and should seek ways of sustaining whatever development is happening around them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to use colour to distiguish between articles, but please use a background that make reading easier!

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What do you consider as 'good' about the creation of women's ministry after 40+ years of self-rule?

I'm one of the protesters against the formation of a 'women's ministry in Zambia', which I consider to be retrogressive since every ministry should address gender and empowerment issues of women.

Perhaps you've been debriefed as a journalist, because nobody has so far spelt out the wonders that such a body will bring to better the Zambian women's wellbeing!

2:02 AM  

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